Speciality Coffee – Ledgender | Brazil Natural Especial


Legender Especial is a blend of coffees grown in the unique micro-regions of Machado, Poco Fundo and Campestre, located in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Most coffee regions in Brazil are well known for large coffee plantations. Legender Especial goes in the opposite direction, consisting of small farms called sitios. All lots are purchased directly from growers committed to quality and willing to provide detailed information about their sitios, harvesting methods, drying techniques and other relevant information about their coffee.

We taste: Black Cherry, Milk Chocolate, Panela

Region: Poco Fundo, Brazil
Process: Natural
Variety: Yellow Catuai,Mundo Novo,Red Catuai
Altitude: 1100 masl

Coffee is freshly roasted in Greenville, SC by Canvas

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Weight N/A

8oz, 2lbs, 5lbs

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